
West Iredell Forms and Information

Registration/Eligibility Information

Below are the 3 Items NECESSARY to participate in athletics at WIMS:

  1. Dragonfly Registration Form Online
  2. Physical Exam
  3. Grade/Attendance Eligibility 

    All athletes interested in trying out for a fall sport must have a registration form completed online at:

Click Here –>West Iredell Middle School 2024-2025 Athletic Registration 


After you have created your Parent account and added your child to his/her school and teams, it’s time to start adding your child’s info. From your child’s profile page, you can click the “School Paperwork” tab to get started. Once on the School Paperwork, you will see a list of requirements you need to meet. You will need to complete all of the following:

1. Update Your Medical & Demographic Info (Fill in the info on all tabs.)


2. Complete each required form (either electronically or uploaded). https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/…/Screen+Capture+on…

3. Upload a copy of the Physical Examination (or have the school upload this for you). https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/…/Screen+Capture+on…

· Physical Exams: Students must also have a valid physical. Physicals are good for a year from the date in which they occur.  They may be turned into the Secretary at the Main Office.


  • Grade/Attendance Eligibility: Rising 6th graders are automatically eligible for the fall season upon entry into middle school.  Eligibility is checked each semester. Rising 7th and 8th graders must have passed 6 out of 7 courses in the spring semester (may not fail more than one class) and have been present 85% of the school days.  Rising 6th graders are not eligible for football.  To be eligible for spring sports, all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders must have passed 6 out of 7 courses in the fall semester (may not fail more than one class) and have been present 85% of the school days.

Disciplinary Actions:

Middle School and High School Athletics OSS (Out of School Suspension) Policy

First Offense (one day only OSS): The student may not participate in practice or play in a game on the day of OSS.  This student is considered absent from school, but is not considered off the team.  If the student serves a one day OSS, on a non-game day, the student must sit out the next scheduled game day.  

Second Offense (OSS): Student is removed from the athletic team for the remainder of that sports season.

Note: If the first offense is serious enough that the student is suspended more than one day, the principal may remove the student from the athletic team at that time.

ISS (In School Suspension)

Note: It is considered a day in ISS if the student is in ISS for 50% or more of the school day.  Also, assignment to ISS can be for one or more days per offense.

First Offense (ISS): Student cannot practice or play in a game on the day(s) in ISS.  

Second Offense (ISS): Student cannot practice or play in a game on the day(s) in ISS.  If the student misses a game while in ISS, he still must also sit out the next game that the team is scheduled to play and the principal may remove the student from the athletic team at that time.

Third Offense: Student may be removed from the athletic team for the remainder of that sport season.

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